My story

Born in South Africa and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel. I made my first steps into the music world during my teen age years, My father (RIP) was an artist, and through him I inherent the artist spirit, time less yet collected, devoted to my craft, I began to develop a passion for music recording. I started with guitar, then came the drums and eventually I picked up the piano and violin. 

I developed an acute interest in recording technology and went to college to study sound engineering and technology in the Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee institute in the north of Israel where I ended up spending a few years after graduation. There I made my own recording studio in kibbutz Massada, Israel. There I mostly experimented with different production techniques and song writing for my spirit. 

It took me some time to realize I was ready to explore music outside of the studio and decided to sell my equipment and let go of any expectations from music and allow the universe to guide me back to it if I was meant to do so. I took a break from the studio environment and went to work with horses for a while still writing music and even played in a country rock band. Mean while a relationship with a far away loved one was starting to form.

I worked for a while with teenagers in music education and when the time was right I had reunited with my far away beloved Sif in Amsterdam where we spent four beautiful years. I mainly gave workshops and recorded musicians in their homes for a living. A milestone in my life was "Home of Gaia", a healing center for spiritual development which me and Sif started in De Pijp Amsterdam in 2019. The place ran until covid hit and we had to close it down. During this period is where I started to focus on what that eventually became my main niche for a couple of years now which is sound frequency healing music where I started my first sound meditation concerts and started doing work for therapists and healers.

We moved to Iceland which is now my home base. Here I continue to produce for clients, make my own music and give workshops with healing music for relaxation and movement.

In this website you will find everything i'm creating so you are welcome to check out the offerings and content.

it is my pleasure to share with you my passion in life.